The Benefits of Acupuncture in Healing
Holistic therapy is a comprehensive model of care that aims to treat the whole person rather than solely treating a specific symptom or diagnosis. Holistic treatment approaches acknowledge all of the factors that play into an individual’s health and well-being, including, but not limited to:
- Biological
- Social
- Psychological
- Spiritual
An important thing to note is that holistic treatment approaches are most effective when combined with traditional treatment methods, such as psychotherapy. As a result, a holistic approach is often viewed as a complementary treatment. As there are numerous holistic and complementary treatment modalities available, it can be intimidating to know what holistic approach will be the most helpful during your recovery journey. Here, we will discuss the value of acupuncture for an individual’s health and well-being.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a traditional medicinal practice. It is a component of Chinese, Japanese and Korean medicine and has been in practice for over five thousand years. It is recognized for its many unique healing properties, whether for relieving physical pain or bringing about a new sense of wellness.
The main idea of this practice lies in the belief that all living beings have “Qi,” vital energy. When this energy is in harmony within the invisible energy channels of the body, a person can achieve optimum health. When there is an imbalance in an individual’s Qi, they are more susceptible to the development of disease and other health problems.
The Practice of Acupuncture
While acupuncture benefits mental and physical health, its workings remain somewhat of a mystery. Acupuncture stimulates specific energy points in and on the body. Although stimulation methods may vary, the most common technique works by inserting hair-like needles through an individual’s skin surface.
In an acupuncture session, a practitioner inserts these needles into different energy points on an individual’s body. The needles are retained in the skin for about twenty minutes while the individual remains lying down. Frequently, patients will sleep during this process. It can take several acupuncture sessions before a patient can recognize its benefits. The effects of sessions can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks.
The Positive Health Effects of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is recognized as a safe and effective intervention when combined with traditional psychotherapy approaches. A number of studies suggest several notable benefits that acupuncture can have on physical and mental health. Some of these benefits include:
Circulation, Endorphins and Balancing the Nervous System
It is important to understand how acupuncture produces its many benefits. In general, research has shown that acupuncture stimulates blood and oxygen circulation in the body. It encourages the release of endorphins and positively influences the brain’s neurotransmitters, responsible for carrying out specific functions in the brain and body. It balances the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for essential tasks such as regulating heartbeat and breathing. All of these things directly affect an individual’s physical and mental state.
Chronic Pain
When it comes to chronic pain, physicians constantly search for effective alternatives to drug therapy. Acupuncture may be a practical intervention for easing numerous different experiences of chronic pain. Some of these experiences may include:
- Lower back pain
- Neck pain
- Osteoarthritis or knee pain
A sound body of evidence supports the use of acupuncture for migraine headaches. Specifically, acupuncture is recognized as a valuable treatment for reducing the frequency of tension headaches and preventing migraine headaches. Acupuncture is, at the very least, just as effective as drug treatment for treating migraine headaches. However, acupuncture is also safer, longer-lasting and more cost-effective than drug treatment.
Using Acupuncture to Treat Substance Use, Addiction and Chemical Dependency
Substance use, addiction and chemical dependency are often debilitating conditions in a person’s life. Seeking effective treatment can be difficult, and psychotherapy alone typically does not ensure long-lasting recovery success. Acupuncture may be a game-changer when it comes to treating alcohol and drug addiction. It can help patients experience genuine relief from substance use cravings and can aid in sustaining sobriety during long-term continuing treatment.
There are incredible advantages to using acupuncture to treat substance use disorders and addiction. These advantages include:
- Acupuncture therapy for drug treatment is inexpensive, simple and has limited side effects
- Acupuncture can be explicitly used for relapse prevention
- Acupuncture is safe for women who are pregnant
Other Benefits of Acupuncture
Clinical practices and other research has shown acupuncture to be a valuable treatment for several other symptoms and conditions, including:
- Fibromyalgia
- Parkinson’s disease
- Schizophrenia
- Depression
- Insomnia and other sleep problems
- Stomach and digestive problems
Cliffside Malibu is a leading provider of quality, comprehensive addiction treatment. We offer a wide range of holistic treatment modalities to complement your traditional treatment experiences. Acupuncture is one of the many modalities we provide to our patients as they work to heal beyond their substance use and actively prevent relapse. To learn more about the benefits of acupuncture, please give us a call today at (855) 403-5641.