Seniors Face Addiction Problems Too

One of the things that addiction treatment professionals know, but are not often asked to speak about, is that the elderly suffer from addiction in what are probably alarming numbers. Pain management is one issue. Elderly individuals are often prescribed high doses of strong painkillers to which they can develop dependency. Also, alcohol abuse is widespread due to depression and loneliness.

A study of substance abuse among the elderly was undertaken in the Czech Republic. A survey conducted by doctors in Prague, of over 70 patients across 60 years, shows an increase among seniors of pill, alcohol, and gambling (slot machines) addictions. However, many cases go untreated because the addiction symptoms often resemble other maladies the patient is dealing with. For example, alcohol abuse may look like dementia, if important questions are not asked.  All too often doctors treat symptoms by writing a prescription instead of addressing the cause.

In the US, we see similar issues. Jim Debbies writes about a growing senior addiction problem in the United States.  He says,

Pain management is a primary cause of senior drug and alcohol addiction along with grief and depression.”

Gambling can also become a problem for seniors. In the Czech Republic, gambling is often not addressed until a person has lost all their money, their house, and pension. In the UK, the Labor Party has proposed a restriction on the growth of betting houses and gambling machines with the support of the Salvation Army.

There are no borders or age limits for drug, alcohol, and gambling addictions. Here in the United States, we must become more aware of the activities of our elders and not simply write their actions off as “getting older.” Falls may be due to alcohol abuse or inappropriately mixing medications, not dementia or “frailty.” Financial issues need to be closely monitored if gambling is suspected. Most important, compassion is called for. The elderly can suffer tremendous loneliness, depression, and pain – the very things that can trigger addiction to develop.


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