More than Emojis: Three Reasons Why Psychotherapy by Mobile App Might be the Wave of the Future

When you think of mobile apps you probably think of millennials or hipsters, young people in glasses drinking coffee and communicating by texting a series of emojis. But the mobile world is so much more than a specific age group or form of communication. As technology continues to permeate into every aspect of our lives, many have turned to mobile apps as a way to treat and manage a host of mental health disorders. Here are three reasons why psychotherapy by mobile app might be how many of us access mental health care in the future.

  1. On mobile apps you can more easily find the right treatment provider

    Ever sat down with a therapist only to realize fifteen minutes into your session that he or she wasn’t the right fit? There’s always a chance when trying out a new provider that what you’re trying just won’t be the right match for you, and that’s O.K. By utilizing mobile apps, you’re bolstering your chances of success by finding a provider you can relate to. This in turn will improve your likelihood of overcoming or effectively managing your mental health issue.

  1. Be on the cutting edge of treatment with mobile apps

    One downside to the multitude of mobile apps available is that many have not gone through clinical trials to determine how effective they are at meeting the needs they set out to meet. This means there is no “guarantee” that the treatment you’re getting will actually do what you need it to do. Beware! But, this also means that the latest groundbreaking therapies may also be available sooner than they were in the past. Whereas in the past, moving a new technique through the process of clinical trials and peer reviewed journals took several years, what you now sacrifice for the immediacy of mobile apps you get back in pure range of possibilities to choose from. Utilizing mobile apps in your mental health treatment connects you to the most innovative solutions for mental health issues out there. You might be among the first to try the next groundbreaking therapeutic intervention. Just be sure that you’re working with a licensed, ethical professional before you engage in any new treatment modality.

  1. It might be your only option

    The World Health Organization estimates that about one in three people in the world will experience some kind of mental health disorder at some point within their lifetime. However, access to treatment can be blocked by a variety of obstacles including lack of local clinicians, poor transportation options, or even an insurance plan that doesn’t cover the addiction or mental health services you need. To counter this lack of access to mental health resources, we must accept the solutions available to us. Embracing the possibility that a mobile app may be the make-or-break point of contact for someone struggling with mental illness means working through the stigma attached to remote medicine, especially if it is the only mental health option available.


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