A New Year is a New Chance to Beat Addiction

Once the excitement of a new year comes and goes, sometimes people are left feeling a little lonely and even depressed. The holiday blues can occur after the holidays are over, too.

Some turn to alcohol or drugs to relieve their feelings of depression or anxiety. Some people may wonder if they have a drinking problem if their alcohol consumption has increased. Whether it’s the holiday blues or post-holiday let downs, alcohol or drug addiction can worsen. But let this be the new year that leads to a new and recovered you.

Finding the Path

Seeking support in handling an addiction takes courage. A person can start by searching the internet for treatment centers or support groups. Talking to a healthcare professional who specializes in addiction recovery is often a helpful (not to mention brave!) first step to finding a way to lifelong recovery. Another option is to ask friends or family if they know of anyone who has sought addiction treatment. A connection to someone who has traveled the path can bring comfort. No one is alone on their journey to recovery. 

What to Look for in a Treatment Center

Choosing the right treatment center can take a little time. When calling a center for more information, it is important to ask how they choose a therapist or a treatment plan. When visiting the center for the first time, a person should take a look around the treatment center and discuss what types of therapy the center provides and their philosophy toward their patients. The anxiety and stress of choosing the right treatment center are alleviated when those at the center support visitors through their experience.

Entering therapy takes courage and a willingness to learn about the root causes of addiction. A therapist who listens and guides a patient through their anxiety or fear is vital to the treatment plan process. Therapists who believe in treating a person as a whole and not as a disease can determine the right mode of treatment for them. An indication of a good therapist is one who will engage in an ongoing discussion with each patient about the effectiveness of their program and works in partnership to make any necessary adjustments. Discussing alternative therapy methods can help patients discover approaches that resonate with them.

Holistic Healing

Comprehensive addiction treatment isn’t limited to the traditional model of therapy. Treatment centers that offer holistic healing truly try to engage a person on every level. Some holistic healing methods include: 

  • Mindsight: Mindsight teaches people to “name and tame” their emotions. Treatment of addiction means learning how to control actions. Many times, those who are addicted to substances aren’t aware of how they react to events or situations. The act of reflection means they can learn to slow down their thinking and discover how to respond to a problem positively. 
  • Meditation: Slowing down the mind to process or listen to thoughts is meditation. Instead of focusing on the moment or immediate feelings, meditation teaches a person to calm their minds and emotions. When a person slows down their thoughts and focuses on their feelings, they learn how to change their thinking, thus creating a sense of well-being and making healthier choices.
  • Interpersonal neurobiology: Interpersonal relationships with family or friends determine who a person becomes and how they respond to events or obstacles. A person’s environment can affect how they react to events or situations. An environment that fosters a sense of support, comfort and love benefits a person. A treatment center that teaches a person how to seek a positive living environment is essential to their treatment and recovery.


Comfort plays a vital role in addiction treatment. A center that offers a private, safe and home-like atmosphere is essential to letting go of old behaviors. A small ratio of patients assigned to a therapist creates a feeling of accessibility and exclusiveness. Therapists who can dedicate more time to a person’s treatment can have a more positive impact on recovery than one who has an overbooked schedule.


One more aspect to consider is the step-down or aftercare options a center provides. Not everyone who finishes treatment is ready to go home. Sometimes a sober living residence is beneficial to their recovery. Some people need complete access to their therapist or support groups. A treatment center that provides 24/7 access to a therapist, information about support groups, in-home therapy and virtual alumni meetings is vital for a person’s sobriety. 


The holiday blues can intensify a person’s reaction to their anxiety or depression during the holidays, leaving them empty as the new year begins. Cliffside Malibu has the treatment, healthcare staff and picturesque landscape that can help a person heal and obtain a lifetime of recovery. We have a sober living option and other aftercare options, too. Call us for more information at (855) 403-5641.