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In: anxiety

The Top 10 Warning Signs of Becoming Addicted to Medication

Substance abuse and addiction isn’t just limited to alcohol and street drugs. It can also be very easy to become addicted…

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anxiety medication
Can I Become Addicted to My Anxiety Medication?

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition that can lead to things like negative consequences and even panic attacks. Anxiety medication can…

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mental health and addiction
Co-Occurring Mental Health and Addiction

What Is a Co-Occurring Disorder? Updated on 05/20/24 The coexistence of both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse use…

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anxiety and addiction
Anxiety and Addiction

Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders Anxiety is a complex condition that affects millions of people all over the world. It is a…

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Preventing a Future Generation of Addicts: Curtail Teen Prescriptions for Sleep Aids and Anti-Anxiety Meds

Preventing a Future Generation of Addicts: Curtail Teen Prescriptions for Sleep Aids and Anti-Anxiety Meds Researchers have completed the first longitudinal…

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Can You Thrive After Childhood Trauma?

Can You Thrive After Childhood Trauma? Recovery from traumatic events is never easy. However, humans are amazingly adaptable. Unfortunately, survival does…

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Talking Helps Lower Suicide Risk

Talking Helps Lower Suicide Risk The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) collect data about mortality in the U.S., including…

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Society’s Perception of Addiction: Addicts Have a Moral Failing

Society’s Perception of Addiction: Addicts Have a Moral Failing A new Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study suggests that…

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Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) In recent years, the mental health profession has refined its diagnosis and treatment of Post-Traumatic…

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Overcoming Addiction through Mindfulness and Psychotherapy

Overcoming Addiction through Mindfulness and Psychotherapy It’s not just the drugs you take, but what you experience too that can rewire…

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