Detox from Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines are highly addictive medications. They are used to help treat anxiety, sleep issues, and even seizures. They work to calm the body and can be a great, helpful tool for many people when used as prescribed. There are many different types of Benzodiazepines, as they differ in strength and onset time. Some Benzodiazepines, such as Librium, is used to help treat symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal. Detox from Benzodiazepines can be difficult, but it is possible.
The names that people know most commonly know Benzodiazepines as include:
- Xanax
- Valium
- Ativan
- Klonopin
They are only meant to be prescribed in the short-term because they can lead to tolerance and dependence when taken over a long period of time. Even when someone uses Benzodiazepines as prescribed, they can still experience symptoms of withdrawal. This is why it is extremely important not to detox from Benzodiazepines alone.
What Happens to Your Body
Benzodiazepines are among the most prescribed drugs in the country. In fact, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 37.6 for every 100 people in America. They work by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain, which are chemicals that nerves release in order to communicate with other nerves.
One of these neurotransmitters is called GABA. This particular neurotransmitter suppresses the activity of nerves, which Benzodiazepines help to achieve. Due to the calming of the nerves, people who experience anxiety, sleep issues, panic attacks, and muscle issues find much-needed relief through Benzodiazepine prescriptions.
When someone takes too many Benzodiazepines, they may experience:
- Sedation
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Muscle weakness
- Loss of coordination
- Headache
- Extreme drowsiness
Ongoing abuse of Benzodiazepines can cause more severe problems, including:
- Coma
- Slow heartbeat
- Difficulty breathing
- Slurred speech
- Convulsions
- Extreme weakness
Withdrawal Symptoms
Once the body is no longer being supplied with the constant flow of Benzodiazepines to help calm its nerves, it will experience harsh withdrawal symptoms. As it works to adjust to the lack of GABA neurotransmitters, withdrawal symptoms can last as long as a few weeks and begin as quickly as 6 hours since the last dose.
Withdrawal symptoms from Benzodiazepines include:
- Insomnia
- Restlessness
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle tension and aches
- Dizziness
- Memory issues
- Depression
- Sweating
- Irritability
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Increased heart rate
- Blurred vision
- Trouble concentrating
How to Detox From Benzodiazepines
Detox from Benzodiazepines can look different for everybody. Withdrawal symptoms, severity and length vary from person to person. It all depends on the severity of the addiction. However, it can be generally debilitating and should not be attempted without the help and supervision of medical professionals.
Make the Decision to Get Help
First and foremost: detox from Benzodiazepines is almost impossible to successfully achieve alone. Even if you are able to detox from Benzodiazepines and get through the withdrawal symptoms, chances are your sobriety will not last for long. Addiction is something that stems from a root cause, and not exploring that root cause will eventually cause the addiction to pop up again.
The only way to ensure long-lasting sobriety and recovery from Benzodiazepines is to get treatment. Addiction is chronic, and continued abuse of Benzodiazepines can result in overdose or even death. Removing yourself from your environment, comfortably detoxing from Benzodiazepines and learning how to overcome your triggers is the only way to make sure you won’t turn back.
Medical Detox
Many treatment centers, including ours, offers medical detox. Our on-staff Addictionologist will work to slowly wean you off of Benzodiazepines, allowing your body to experience minimal withdrawal symptoms. You will also be given medications to stop cravings, allowing you to immerse yourself in treatment and find new, healthy coping skills to take with you throughout your life.
Ongoing Care
Once you have completed treatment and detox from Benzodiazepines, your recovery journey will still be ongoing. There is a small chance you may experience acute withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety or cravings, for many weeks or months to come. Sometimes, it can even be a lifelong issue to manage through ongoing care. Attending outpatient therapy meetings and having sober support will help you through these challenges that may be presented to you.
About Cliffside Malibu
Detox from Benzodiazepines can be difficult, but our on-staff Addictionologist and medical team make sure it is as comfortable as possible. Imagine a detox experience with little to no withdrawal symptoms or cravings in a serene, stress-free setting. You can break free from the harmful, dangerous addiction cycle that Benzodiazepines have kept you in, and the first step is giving us a call. Our admissions specialists are on hand 24 hours a day to have a confidential conversation with you and answer any questions you may have.
Each patient is matched with one of these five stages of the Transtheoretical Model: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintenance. An individualized treatment plan is created based on their current stage of change. This process is in place to ensure that all our patients receive the best treatment path possible for their own specific need. Our goal is to move individuals through their treatment by assessing their readiness for change and formulating stage-matched interventions in order to move them through their respective stage.
It is the policy of Cliffside Malibu to ensure that all individuals who present with chemical dependency issues are assessed for the appropriate level of care. We strive to provide a continuum of care including medically supervised detox, residential treatment, day treatment, and outpatient services. Services are provided to individuals with a primary diagnosis of substance abuse and/or alcohol addiction. Individuals seeking treatment are assessed by qualified staff to ensure program criteria are met and that each individual admitted is placed in the appropriate level of care for treatment. The program is designed and structured for individuals who are in need of a supportive environment in order to maintain Sobriety.
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