You’ve put a lot of work into treatment but have you thought about what happens when it ends? We have and that’s why we’re committed to providing you with ongoing support – because when you leave our program for a substance use disorder, you are never alone. Ever. After treatment at Cliffside Malibu, you automatically have Discovery for Life™ – free support that’s with you for a lifetime.

Discovery for LifeTM
Support Begins with Discovery365™

Discovery for Life begins with Discovery365, a 16-point interactive assessment and check-in program for one year after discharge. With Discovery365, we use breakthrough, proprietary technology to intervene when you need additional support.
Proprietary video analytics platform developed with Videra Health, monitors patients for one-year post discharge when relapse risk is highest to improve outcomes and support long-term recovery.

Support Continues & Is with You for Life
In addition to the Discovery365 benefits that are offered for free the first year following discharge. We also offer a lifetime of free alumni support that includes:
- Support groups (online and in-person)
- Social events dedicated to Cliffside Malibu alumni
- Educational content through the alumni app
- And more
Find out more about our lifetime commitment to your recovery™.