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In: relationships

Does Addiction Lead to Homelessness?
Does Addiction Lead to Homelessness?

Content reviewed by Karen Rubenstein, LMFT, Chief Clinical Officer at Cliffside Malibu Several factors can contribute to why individuals experience homelessness,…

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Woman talking to therapist about addiction recovery aftercare.
Recovery Aftercare: You’re Not Alone

Recovery Aftercare: You’re Not Alone Leaving recovery treatment is a big step in the treatment process. During this phase, you may…

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Group family photo around the dinner table, sober holidays with friends and family.
Having a Happy Holiday With Friends, Family and Sobriety

Having a Happy Holiday With Friends, Family and Sobriety Updated on 06/25/24 The holidays are soon approaching. This is a time…

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Repairing the Damage Addiction Has Done to Family and Friends
Repairing the Damage Addiction Has Done to Family and Friends

Addiction is a Family Disease Addiction is a destructive disease that can leave many things damaged along its path. Aside from…

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Triggers to Avoid During the Holidays

Know your triggers A major part of a successful recovery process is knowing what your triggers are. During the holidays, it…

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What Support You Should Have After Treatment

What happens after treatment? When you leave a treatment facility, you will be entering an entirely new life. For many people,…

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Behavioral Therapy
Behavioral Therapy: DBT and CBT and How They Help Fight Addiction

Behavioral Therapy: DBT and CBT and How They Help Fight Addiction What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBD)…

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