Staying Healthy During Coronavirus
It’s been more than a month since coronavirus turned our world upside down. We are in the thick of continuing to social distance, stay home, wear masks when we leave the house and constantly wash our hands. All these things can help you stay safe. But we can also be mindful of practicing good eating habits, staying active, staying healthy during Coronavirus, and supporting mental well-being, especially when you’re in recovery.
It can be difficult to stay on track with healthy eating habits when grocery store lines are long and stock is limited. It’s much easier to grab take-out and indulge in our favorite snacks while vegging out on the couch with Netflix.
Additionally, the closure of fitness centers and hiking trails can make it more difficult to keep up with a workout regimen but try not to let it be an excuse for not keeping your body healthy. Keep reading for tips to help keep you healthy during the pandemic.
Staying Healthy During Coronavirus: Eating Healthy
While there is nothing wrong with ordering a pizza or having some ice cream here and there to help ease your stress from all the current worries about coronavirus, it is important to do so in moderation. Eating too much sugar or foods low in nutritional value can contribute to stress levels, increase anxiety and enhance feelings of depression.
In addition, foods low in nutritional value won’t make you feel full for long. You’ll find yourself hungry again soon, and being too hungry can be a trigger for many people in recovery. Also, you might find yourself with low self-esteem and low energy that makes it hard to complete tasks for the day.
Ways to Stay on Track with Eating Well
- Limit snacking and set times to eat. It can be easy to eat out of boredom, so make sure you are limiting your snacking and set times to eat your largest meals of the day. This will not only help you stay on track but it will help keep your routine on a schedule as well.
- Order from a meal delivery service. Many individuals right now are in the same boat—wanting to eat healthily, but struggling with finding readily-available ingredients in their grocery stores. Luckily, there are many meal delivery services such as Hello Fresh or Home Chef that provide healthy meals right to your doorstep.
- Think outside of your grocery store. Grocery lines are long and stock is limited, but they’re not the only ones selling groceries. Reach out to your neighbors to see if anybody has a garden and is willing to sell vegetables, or check to see if there is a local produce stand you can visit. Just make sure to wash your goods thoroughly before eating, as with any produce you buy.
Staying Active during Self-Quarantine and Social Distancing
One of the most difficult parts about the coronavirus stay-at-home measures is finding ways to remain active within your home. This is especially true if you’re used to a gym environment and enjoying the camaraderie of a group workout session.
During this time, we are all having to make adjustments and find new normals, including ways that we stay active. It is important to stay active during this time because exercise lowers stress levels, releases feel-good hormones and helps keep anxiety at bay.
Ways to Stay on Track with Your Fitness
- Go on secluded walks around your neighborhood.
- Finally fix up that old bike in your garage and take it for a spin.
- Check YouTube for at-home yoga workouts or other at-home fitness routines.
- Follow fitness instructors on social media and participate in their live workouts.
- Join a virtual workout group that meets on Zoom for the extra motivation and camaraderie.
Prioritizing Your Mental Health during Coronavirus
Staying healthy during coronavirus also extends to your mental health. You can easily become overwhelmed with everything, making it extremely important to put self-care at the forefront. While self-care includes eating healthily and staying active, there are other ways you can practice putting your mental health first.
- Limiting your news intake. It can be anxiety-inducing to constantly read articles about what is going on in the world. Make sure you limit your news intake to only once a day (and time it, maybe for 20 or 30 minutes) so that you don’t become too overwhelmed.
- Find positivity. There is a silver lining to everything, including these strange times. Are you spending more quality time with family? Have you been able to reorganize and spring clean your home? Think about all the positive things happening in your life and write those down.
- Have a good laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, so have a little bit each day! Put on your favorite comedy, watch funny dog videos, or share some silly internet memes with your friends. Spend a little time each day to get a smile on your face.
It feels as though the coronavirus pandemic has thrown everyone’s lives into a tailspin in one way or another. One of those ways for you might be your sobriety. If you find that you are struggling to stay sober, or have experienced a relapse, we are still open and here to help you through.
About Cliffside Malibu
Because no two addictions are the same, we develop individualized treatment plans for every client at Cliffside Malibu. We are committed to providing evidence-based treatment through a continuum of care model across a range of levels of care, including medically supervised detox, residential treatment, day treatment, and outpatient services. Our program includes family therapy and holistic therapy. Whether an individual has a substance abuse and/or alcohol addiction, our programs are structured to create a supportive environment where healing can begin.
In addition to world-class treatment, Cliffside Malibu offers luxury accommodations, a serene environment, five-star dining and plentiful amenities. We understand that addiction treatment is a rigorous process. Therefore, we provide for your comfort and relaxation at every turn, allowing you to rejuvenate, and meet the demands of treatment with your greatest energy and attention.
Visit Cliffside Malibu for more information.